Thursday, July 4, 2013

Just wanted to share!

I love this Nia Shanks chick. I'm subscribed to her, and the other Beautiful Badass girls' email lists. Check out their websites when you have a chance. So much great info.  Here's the latest email I wanted to case anyone is feeling guilty after today's festivities!

Howdy, friend!
Failure. That's the topic for today's email.
"I failed."
How many times have you said this on your journey to build the body you want (stronger, leaner, healthier)? Maybe you missed a workout or ate too much junk food.
"I failed," you tell yourself.
Failure, my friend, isn't a bad thing.
How about instead of looking at these instances as failures you take a different perspective.
We equate failures with the notion that we *should* be perfect. We should do everything correctly, 100% of time. Anything less is failing.
I used to think this way, and it drove me crazy.
I had to eat perfectly all the time and never miss a workout no matter what. Anything less then perfection was a failure.
But then I viewed "failures" differently (this applies not only to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but business and practically anything else).
Thomas Edison said it best: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
The next time you proclaim to have "failed", take a step back and look at the entire situation. What can you learn from it? How can you turn this into a positive experience? Do you need to simplify the process? What can you do differently that will lead to a positive outcome?
Failing isn't bad. Failing means at least you're trying! You're doing something. You're taking action.
Failing allows us to grow stronger and be more resilient. Failing ultimately allows us to become more awesome and stronger versions of ourselves.
What we view as failing is simply a learning opportunity. 
We'll finish this off with another quote by Epictetus. "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

Until next time . . . 
Be the Most Awesome and Strongest Version of YOU,

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