Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Post-mini vacation reboot

For whatever reason, I didn't log any food after my last blog. With all the crap I ate during my trip to Kentucky (cookies, candy bars, M&M's ... oh yeah, major sugar binging), I'm not going to bother trying to remember it all.  So we'll ignore the Hardees I had for breakfast the morning we left Jackson, and just start from when we got home!

First though, just have to say it was wonderful to finally see Kaleb after almost 3 weeks!  He had a great time, but is glad to be home.  ESPECIALLY glad to finally get home to Conan!  They became instant-buddies. It's so cute!

Ok, here's the food.

2pm Shakeology + 1 scoop Isopure protein powder
*HIIT (Tabata Set 1: 40-lb kettlebell swings + Sumo-deadlift high pull; Set 2: cross-fit style burpees + mountain climbers)/Lift (12-15 rep)/Abs*
Carrots, hummus
6pm - Chicken voila (< 1 serving)
1am - Trail mix (unsalted nuts, banana chips, dried cranberries), 2 scoops muscle milk
Grapes, Kind bar
6:30am Shakeology + 1 scoop Isopure protein powder

2pm - 3 eggs, sausage, peppers, tomatoes, onions. Oj. *Walk/Heavy lift (175lb deadlift, 110lb bench press, 110lb BB rows)/Abs*
6:30 - Quest, EAS lean protein powder
Cinnamon wheel (Steve was nice enough to bring me dessert to work, but I shared half of it with Lena!)
11pm - Chicken strips, fries (Lena was nice enough to share her meal with me too! Not the healthiest, but was only half a meal.)

2:30a Vanilla Greek yogurt + cinnamon, walnuts, Apple (yum!)

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