Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New addition to our family! Food. And New Beginnings.

First, I gotta show off this awesome dog of ours! And if you thought by that title that I'm pregnant, you obviously don't know me! ;)

In only two days, we have already fallen in love with this amazingly sweet and wonderful beast of a dog (or "Tank" as Steve likes to call him!).  He is so funny and just loves us to pieces already too.  I can not wait for Kaleb to come home ... he will absolutely LOVE him to death!
Anywho, here's my food over the last few days, with some thoughts on the side. Treated myself a few times, but nothing overboard.  Working on trying to get more protein in.


1am - Nut, apple, yogurt trail mix
4:30am - Greek yogurt, half banana, blueberries, almonds
7:15 - 3 scrambled eggs, crumbled italian sausage, salsa, OJ
Migraine, no workout today :(  I'm really enjoying my heavy lifting sessions. Won't get it in again til Wednesday since I teach Pump the next two days. Could, but not going to do that to myself!
2pm - Protein/berry smoothie
5pm - Panera turkey fuji apple salad
8-9pm? - Quest Bar
11pm Healthy Choice steamer meal (bbq Steak, red potatoes...yummy!)

2am - Greek yogurt, berries, almonds
5am - Nut, apple, yogurt trail mix (I realized this after I ate it that this is what caused my migraine yesterday! It's back...I think it's the nuts. Which sucks, cuz I love me some NUTS. Always happens tho when I eat to many nuts. <Insert TWSS joke here>)
Protein juice (Isopure makes this juice that has 40g of protein that tastes decent...diggin it!)
PWO-2 slices Ezekiel toast, pb, agave
8:30pm - Sushi w/Sue! Go to Ocean World at 86th & Ditch and try the Mardi Gras roll and Canadian roll... I just can't get enough. Yes I ate it all. Yes it was worth it!

9:30am - Kind bar, Isopure protein juice
12pm - Steak, sweet potato
PWO - Clif bar, ritz crackers (I felt like I needed carbs and they looked good).
7:30pm - Donatos veggie pizza (best ever!), cheese bread,
strawberry shortcake (small angel food cake round, strawberries, light cool wHip)
9pm - Isopure Protein shake (50g protein). I figure I needed the extra protein since my dinner was pretty much all carbs. Thought I was done for the night and was going to start my fast, but then we watched Big Brother and had:
11pm - Popcorn, 2 Mich Ultra's
And I also decided for sure to go to BodyAttack the next morning, so I opted not to fast. I'll get back to that after our trip to KY. I don't really have another opportunity until then. I might do a 16-18 hour fast Thur am into Fri am. We'll see.

(PWO) 2 slices Ezekial toast/pb/agave, milk
11am - A few mixed nuts (don't wanna over-do it on the nuts!), cranberries, banana chips
12:30pm - Orange Leaf - Wedding cake frozen yogurt w/raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, cherries, granola (I am actually liking the fruit/berries on my yogurt MORE than the cookie dough, brownies, oreos, syrup, etc I used to get!)
2pm - Carrots & a little hummus
*Lift - 3 sets: 205lb squats!, 80lb overhead press, Chinups*
3pm - Lettuce wrap - iceburg lettuce, sliced turkey & roast beef, honey mustard
(sleep before work)
6:45pm - Protein/berry smoothie (50g), Kind bar
12am - Two Tilapia fillets, sauted veggies w/olive oil

I just feel like I eat SO MUCH DANG FOOD! Aside from the "unnecessary treats" (strawberry shortcake, popcorn & beer, frozen yogurt, etc), I'm eating when I'm hungry, not over-eating, and eating mindfully to fuel my body, as opposed to just eating what sounds good whenever I feel like it. I can get away with doing fasted workouts when I'm working out on my own, HIIT sets or lifting, but I do eat my PWO's prior to teaching classes  because it's more of a performance thing than just a fat-burning thing. If, since Gold's is closing their doors, (I'm not ready to talk about this just yet, I'm only mentioning it due to the subject of my food), and I won't be teaching as many classes (only for a SHORT period of time I'm sure, but again, not talking about it yet...), I may be able to get away with eating less daily calories, and possibly even back to more of a LeanGains method of fasting ... we'll see.

Ok, I said I wasn't gonna talk about it, but my mind went there.

Life, and everything in it, is constantly changing. We have to change with it.  Although sometimes change is sad at first, it's not always a bad thing. All things happen for a reason, I do believe that. Change forces us to take action.  And we prevail, and come out stronger. "What doesn't kill ya...." You know the song. I personally prefer the Metallica version "What don't kill ya make ya more strong", but I don't see Les Mills using that in any tracks.  Bummer.

You Les Mills fans reading this may know that our beloved company that produces these amazing workouts, that has become a wonderfully amazing part of our lives, that has led me to meeting my awesome friends, meet the man of my dreams, helped me to quit smoking, and of course, to become The Machine! ;) ... got off track, sorry ... Anyways... Les Mills is based out of New Zealand, also home of the Maori tribe. You've seen a lot of us instructors wearing our necklaces with the different Maori symbols, each with their own meaning...

The necklace I wear is the Maori tribe symbol (the spiral) called the Koru, also in the tattoo on my neck.  It means 'New Beginnings'.  That means a lot to me, for several reasons. 

To my Gold's Les Mills peeps: This is only our New Beginning. Ready to get stronger?!

 Kia Kaha!

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