Saturday, July 13, 2013

My current diet & workouts, & stats

First, I'll get the food out of the way:

6am - Shakeology, 1 scoop Isopure protein
*Got my iron infusion, with Bendaryl, after 3 hours of sleep. Soooo tired! And hungry!
4pm - Panera Steak & Blue Cheese chopped salad, whole grain baguette (I soooo needed the carbs!)
(back to sleep before work 7p-1a)
(fast until 1am)
For the life of me I can't remember what I ate when I got off work at 1am, but I know I ate something, and it wasn't bad. I think maybe my trail mix (unsalted nuts:cashews, almonds, macadamia, pistachios; organic banana chips, dried cranberries) and another shakeology/protein.

Fasted until Noon
Lunch w/friend at Jason's Deli - salad bar: Spring mix & spinach, 2 hard-boiled eggs, bell peppers, bean mix, sunflower seeds, light honey mustard; a little pasta salad & a couple little pieces of the toasted bread (not sure what kind it is, their like big croutons); and a small cup of ice cream w/syrup.
PWO - Trail mix, 1 scoop Muscle Milk protein
*BodyCombat & BodyPump* (totally wiped out!!)
8pm - 1 steak burrito w/veggies, sour cream, cheese salsa
GIRLS NIGHT! Sweet red wine (almost a bottle), couple glasses of Skinny Girl Pina Colada, Tracy's yummy strawberry dessert (vanilla pudding, angel food cake, cool whip) ... I'm sure I nibbled on some other foods, but I don't remember.

Fasted until 1:30pm
O'Charley's w/ my friend Wendy and her kids, and the fam. Can you believe I DIDN'T EAT ANY ROLLS!!!! This is a huge accomplishment for me! Being that I already had a "cheat night" last night, plus we were going for fro-yo afterwards! ... and also knowing I was drinking/grilling again later tonight, I knew I needed to avoid the bread. Very proud moment for me still! I had a couple of the chips/queso, which I could've done without, but needed to eat some so I could handle the crunching (damn misophonia...I hate it!). I ordered a cup of soup and only ate about half of it and gave the rest to Steve. And ordered the half-size steak ceasar salad, which surprisingly small (maybe because I never order a half size!) but just right, and super delicious! We all went to YoJoy for frozen yogurt and for the third time in a row I did NOT get cookie dough, brownies, oreos, syrup, etc that I used to. Small(er) amount of yogurt with only berries (and two little cheesecake bites). Baby steps.
*Heavy Lifting - 210lb squats, 85lb overhead presses, 16 Chinups*
More friends over that night to grill and swim and drink... Steak & veggies, salad... was doing pretty good....then the ice cream Twix came out, along w/a half bottle of Vodka. The Twix was worth it. Way too much vodka tho... someone needs to not allow me to mix my own drinks. I have no idea what I'm doing!

8am PWO - Ezekial toast w/PB, agave, cinnamon + 1 scoop Muscle Milk
*9:30am BodyPump & BodyCombat* (even after all the vodka!)
1pm - Grilled Chicken kebob (w/peppers & onions), veggies (cucumbers, squash, zuchini, peppers, onions in Zesty Italian dressing)
(sleep before work)
6pm - Shakeology
8:30pm - Donatos veggie pizza (3 small pieces) & side salad w/light ranch
11:30pm - Vanilla greek yogurt, berries, almonds

I kinda feel like people are going to read this and think "Damn! She still eats a lot!" And "Really?! She thinks this is eating healthy?"  Maybe I'm still being hard on myself, I don't know. Yes, I do eat a lot. That's why I enjoy fasting. I like to eat. (That sounds ass-backwards, doesn't it?! lol). Anyways, compared to my past eating habits, this is huge, considering what I used to allow myself on what always ended up to be a "cheat-three-or-four-day weekend"! I would start on girls-night Thursday and continue eating crap all thru the weekend. So yeah, the fact that I'm not bingeing on junk just whenever the urge strikes me, avoiding bread & pasta the majority of the time, but still allowing myself to enjoy life, and still make steps towards my goals ... yes, that makes me happy. 

I also quit weighing myself. Very seldomly I'll get on the scale to check in, but really I'm going based more on how I look and how my clothes fit. I am checking my bodyfat percentage on the first of every month. I take progress pics occasionally, which I post on this awesome FB group called Fierce.Fit.Fearless (closed group, but you can ask to join...girls only!), which is a bunch of ladies, mostly who enjoy heavy lifting. Friday's are "Flex Friday" so girls will post bicep, back, butt ... whatever pics. Yesterday I posted bicep and back pics, and just some of the comments I got from the girls were very flattering, and also very motivating to keep up what I'm doing, and really make me want to crack down harder!

So what am I doing? Basically, I'm trying to eat more real, non-processed foods - meat, eggs, fruit, veggies, with very little bread or pasta products, a little dairy but not much. I use Ezekial bread (flourless)for my toast. I am supplementing with protein powder usually once or twicea day, and Shakeology as well (because I got a free bag of it so I'm gonna use it!) I am eating when I am hungry, and having more portion-control and not continuing to eat because "it tastes so good";. If I do get hungry between meals and need a snack, I still am sticking to fruit or veggies, hummus, greek yogurt, or Kind bars.I do eat pre-workout snacks prior to teaching classes, even if I'm not particularly hungry, but I do it for energy, as my classes are more about performance for me than how many calories I'm burning myself (which is a LOT!). I do not, however,always eat before my home heavy lifting or HIIT workouts (only if I feel I need to, or sometimes I will go fasted). I'm logging my food again on myfitnesspal, not religiously tho. And not necessarily to "count calories", but also to get an idea of how much protein I'm consuming (usually 100-150g per day). I seem to be, on a normal day (no indulging, desserts, or long fasts), taking in anywhere from 1,800-2,000. Possibly less if it's a non-class-teaching day.

Workout-wise, I am not currently teaching as much since we're in-between gyms, but I'm still teaching consitently at two other gyms, so I'm getting BodyPump in2-3x a week, BodyCombat 1-2 times a week, and trying to maybe get in a BodyStep or BodyAttack once a week. My heavy lifting I do 3x a week and also try to get in 1-2 HIIT sessions a week also.

Someone asked me on the FFF board what my stats and calorie consumption are, so I figure I'd add a tidbit in about what exactly I am doing right now, in a nutshell, food and workout-wise. Stats btw are: I'm 5'6" tall, and approx 150lbs (haven't weighed in a while but I tend to hover right around there). BodyFat as of July 1 is 19.4%.  I don't particularly have a set goal, but I'd like to be somewhere between 17-18% bodyfat if (when) I decide to really crack down.

Even with my recent indulgences (trip to Kentucky, girls night, O'Charley's, several fro-yo trips, grilling/drinking nights), I am still making progress. When I do eat the crap, I can tell a big difference in my body and the way I feel, and each time, it makes me want to keep doing a little better. But I did quit beating myself up after my "cheat days". They are planned now, and I know to expect to be a little bloated afterwards. I drink some extra water and keep moving forward.

That's enough for now. I tend to ramble when I get on here after midnight!

Night all!

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