Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Those damn Reese Puffs are back, but it's ok. It's out of my system. Now... It's Time.

So, I'm not beating myself up, but I do admit I've made some extremely poor food choices the last few days. I did regret them afterwards, but I'm moving on. Today is a new day. 

Here it is.

Greek Yogurt, berries, almonds
Apple,natural peanut butter
Omelette w/cheese and sausage, bacon, toast w/cinnamon butter, OJ
Grilled cheese w/ Turkey, avocado, honey mustard (yum!)
Pita chips, hummus
Kind bar
All natural frozen meal - Chipotle Chicken Mac & Cheese (it was ok)
Goodies at work-2 Soft Batch cookies, 2 Oreos, Nilla wafers (regret... apparently I make bad decisions between 3am-7am!)
I think had my meal choice been better I wouldn't have been "hungry" all night.

Omelette w/cheese & sausage & peppers/onions, Ezekiel today w/homemade strawerry jam (thanks Steve's mom!!), oj
Turkey/roast beef grilled cheese,avocado
Pita chips, hummus
Homemade Pizza, garlic bread
Reese puffs - just a handful

*2 Pecan Pancakes, 2 slices French toast, bacon, oj
Ezekiel toast, pb, agave and protein milk
Chicken, veggies, crescent rolls, butter
Vodka, Reese puffs (lots), honey bun...huge regrets today

Wednesday - Long Fast!
*Practice BodyCombat at home*

Ok so the Pecan pancakes, granted, were at brunch with my Dad, whom I see a few times a year, so it was wonderful to eat at Cracker Barrel with him and see him for a little while.  BUT, knowing that Kaleb wasn't going to eat all of his french toast, I knew better than to still get the pancakes. I should have definitely gone the eggs route. 

I do know that pretty much any time I eat a lot of bread/white flour products I always feel like crap afterwards.  Check-in day (bodyfat %) is in 11 days. Time to crack down.  

I don't say that because of the crap I ate.  I'm just saying, it's time. 

I've been reading the most wonderful blogs and even a book by Nia Shanks.  You can check out her stuff on or . Good stuff. I like her a lot. Not just because she is from Kentucky! ;)

I said before that if I really wanted to crack down, I would, it just hasn't been a priority. I want it to be.  Cut the crap. Eat real food 90% of the time (eat what I want the other 10%, which comes to about 2-3 meals a week).  Eat when I'm hungry (I need to retrain my brain to remember). Stop when I'm full (always been a struggle, but I will slow down when I eat and pay attention). I will focus mainly on lean protein and fruits and veggies.  Instead of bread I will eat Ezekial bread (no flour).  

Not that these are new concepts or anything. But they are all things I've done, I just haven't stuck to it. I am challenging myself, not making a vow to be perfect. If I slip, I'll get back on.  I even hired Steve as my personal trainer for my heavy lifting at home (following the training programs in the Beautiful Badass book also). I want to feel better. And look better. And continue to get healthier and more fit.  So what have I got to lose (besides fat)?!

Now, just keep in mind that the Jimmy Buffett concert next Thursday WILL be in my 10%. Holla!!  (Thanks Ang, you got me saying it now!)


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